How to assign a GameObject to a variable? (no drag and drop)


i am trying to write a WeaponChange Script. So I want to assign a object to a variable but the problem is I can´t access my object´s functions.

So I am doing this:

var Primary : ak47;
var Knife : knife;
var Secondary : smith;

function knifeswitch(){
Primary.shotallowed = false;
Primary.aktiv = false;
Knife.aktiv = true;

This is working great but when I try to assign a object like this:

var Primary : GameObject;

Primary = GameObject.Find("ak47");

I get this error when I try to access a function:

Error BCE0019: ‘inv’ is not a member of ‘UnityEngine.GameObject’. (BCE0019) (Assembly-UnityScript)

GameObject is Unity’s GameObject. It cannot have inv because Unity never added it. Presumably, you have inv variable in one of your MonoBehaviour-based scripts. Then you have attached that script to some game object. You know the name of the game object, i.e. “ak47”. So you can find the GameObject in code. From there, you need to retrieve your actual script with inv in it. This script is (one of the) game object’s Components, specifically, MonoBehaviour-based script that you attached. Assuming Weapon is the name/type of your MonoBehaviour-based script with inv:

var Primary : Weapon;

Primary = GameObject.Find("ak47").GetComponent(Weapon);


Are you calling those functions outside of the if block?
You are declaring a variable var Primary inside the if block. That local variable is not present once you leave that block. So the Primary identifier (variable) ceases to exist. You either need to declare it as a class field, or at least outside the if block.