Hi all,
I have a script attached to enemy/agents that sets them to patrol based off of target GameObjects that
I place in the environment. It currently works, but the current setup finds and uses all GameObjects with
a specific .tag and uses only an amount that I set in the inspector… not really what I want.
What I am trying to do is the following… Spawn an Enemy/Agent that has a script using an OnTriggerEnter and an OverlapShere using in my case a variable named “targetSearchRadius”, assign only the GameObjects with a valid tag/name and within the OverlapSphere as
valid targets.
Below is a piece of code that I am using to send messages to colliders
within an Overlap Sphere. What I am not sure about is how to assign the GameObjects to the HitColliders*.*
Thanks for any help, it is really appreciated!
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider hit){ Collider[] hitColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere (gameObject.transform.position, targetSearchRadius); int i = 0; while (i < hitColliders.Length){ hitColliders [i] = Collider(Bla,Bla,Bla); i++; } }*