I am trying to expand this game and add new weapons, but I ended up assigning the same input button to all clones
I am confused about how this game handles cloning and how it manages to assign control inputs to the right clone. It is particularly odd, I believe, since the game is played on one keyboard by two players
I think this has something to do with the script TanksManager.cs
using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Complete
public class TankManager
// This class is to manage various settings on a tank.
// It works with the GameManager class to control how the tanks behave
// and whether or not players have control of their tank in the
// different phases of the game.
public Color m_PlayerColor; // This is the color this tank will be tinted.
public Transform m_SpawnPoint; // The position and direction the tank will have when it spawns.
[HideInInspector] public int m_PlayerNumber; // This specifies which player this the manager for.
[HideInInspector] public string m_ColoredPlayerText; // A string that represents the player with their number colored to match their tank.
[HideInInspector] public GameObject m_Instance; // A reference to the instance of the tank when it is created.
[HideInInspector] public int m_Wins; // The number of wins this player has so far.
private TankMovement m_Movement; // Reference to tank's movement script, used to disable and enable control.
private TankShooting m_Shooting; // Reference to tank's shooting script, used to disable and enable control.
private GameObject m_CanvasGameObject; // Used to disable the world space UI during the Starting and Ending phases of each round.
public void Setup ()
// Get references to the components.
m_Movement = m_Instance.GetComponent<TankMovement> ();
m_Shooting = m_Instance.GetComponent<TankShooting> ();
m_CanvasGameObject = m_Instance.GetComponentInChildren<Canvas> ().gameObject;
// Set the player numbers to be consistent across the scripts.
m_Movement.m_PlayerNumber = m_PlayerNumber;
m_Shooting.m_PlayerNumber = m_PlayerNumber;
// Create a string using the correct color that says 'PLAYER 1' etc based on the tank's color and the player's number.
m_ColoredPlayerText = "<color=#" + ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(m_PlayerColor) + ">PLAYER " + m_PlayerNumber + "</color>";
// Get all of the renderers of the tank.
MeshRenderer[] renderers = m_Instance.GetComponentsInChildren<MeshRenderer> ();
// Go through all the renderers...
for (int i = 0; i < renderers.Length; i++)
// ... set their material color to the color specific to this tank.
renderers*.material.color = m_PlayerColor;*
// Used during the phases of the game where the player shouldn’t be able to control their tank.
public void DisableControl ()
m_Movement.enabled = false;
m_Shooting.enabled = false;
m_CanvasGameObject.SetActive (false);
// Used during the phases of the game where the player should be able to control their tank.
public void EnableControl ()
m_Movement.enabled = true;
m_Shooting.enabled = true;
m_CanvasGameObject.SetActive (true);
// Used at the start of each round to put the tank into it’s default state.
public void Reset ()
m_Instance.transform.position = m_SpawnPoint.position;
m_Instance.transform.rotation = m_SpawnPoint.rotation;
m_Instance.SetActive (false);
m_Instance.SetActive (true);
Do you have any familiarity with these kind of cloning practices?