I’m following this tutorial to make a simple FPS except I do the code in C#.
It says to instantiate a missile (rigid body sphere) I need to associate the Missile prefab with projectile variable and when the code is in JS it can be done by dragging and dropping since I see all the information about the script in the Inspector section. When it’s C# Inspector only shows that my script is attached to the Launcher, no variables and all.
How do I associate Missile prefab with projectile variable?
Just in case, here’s my code:
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class MissileLauncher : MonoBehaviour { Rigidbody projectile; int speed= 20; void Update (){ if(Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) { Rigidbody instantiatedProjectile=(Rigidbody)Instantiate (projectile,transform.position,transform.rotation); instantiatedProjectile.velocity=transform.TransformDirection(new Vector3(0,0,speed)); Physics.IgnoreCollision(instantiatedProjectile.collider,transform.root.collider); } } }