I’m rather new to Unity, and I’m trying to wrap my head around the basics, and now I’m stuck at volumetric lights.
I tried to let volumetric light shine out of objects, and while it does shine out of the objects openings just like I’ve expected, it somehow also bleeds through the object’s shells, it looks like this:
The left pipe has a non-volumetric point light, the radius is huge, but nothing bleeds through the object. The middle one is the same as the left one, but with volumetric enabled, as you can see, there’s quite some bleeding. The right one uses a spot light, which shows similar bleeding.
I’m wondering if I’m doing something wrong, or maybe there’s a trick to avoid this, or whether that is actually the expected behavior and a possible limitation of Unity’s volumetric lighting support?
I’ve attached the test project in case anyone wants to see how exactly things are configured.