i am a college student about to graduate and majoring in computer science. i have started to get interested in becoming a indie game developer. i have started to learn how to use unity by using the tutorials.
i have a website were i will be posting my own games along with the tutorial games i have made. the site is http://batchofideas.com/.
so i would like some suggestions or advice anyone has to become a successful indie game developer? what are the steps and how can create your own business?
You become an indie game developer by making the time for it. There are no steps, no straight paths, no tutorials that will get you to where you want to be. Just you, sacrificing evenings, mornings, weekends working through the thick of it.
Considering you will be graduating with a computer science degree why not try to apply for a job in a studio. Small or AAA doesn’t matter. Your income is your number 1 asset. Find a stable job, and do your indie development on the side.
Make lots and lots of games. If you’re just starting out with Unity don’t expect to make a AAA quality game your first time. Lower you expectations and just start creating something. You would be amazed at all of the little things you learn just just by going through the process of making a game. After you’ve got a few smaller projects under your belt, get a team together and make something great!