how to blend thried person cam to a freelook vcam?

and my 3rd person cam is not a vcam, my freelook vcam is kind of a map looking cam,

can I switch between a non vcam and a vcam?
and how should i put the cam brain?

i want like press “C” and change between those cams.


You can convert your 3rd-person cam to a vcam very easily by replacing the “Camera” component in it with a “CinemachineVirtualCamera” component. When you put “Do Nothing” in Aim and Body, that vcam becomes completely passive, so that it is 100% controlled by your 3rd-person script, same as an ordinary camera.

Then, make a separate main camera game object, and put the brain there. When your 3rd-person camera is the active one, the main camera will track it exactly. When you then activate or raise the priority of the FreeLook, the main camera will blend to that.