Hi all.
I’ve started trying to figure out Shader Graph a bit with the goal of being able to have my sprite’s weapon blink between a chosen color and it’s default color. The weapon is not a seperate sprite but is part of the player sprite.
I’ve checked out some tutorials online and managed to get pretty far. Through the shader I can now swap the weapon color using ‘Replace Color’ node. However, this now just means that the weapon’s color is swapped always. I want to be able to control the color swap by turning the color replacement on and off by simply communicating with a Vector1 that sets the opacity of it or something. I’ve tried several ways to achieve this but I can’t get it right at all.
My current shadergraph looks like this:
I’ve tried setting step nodes and multyplier nodes into the ‘to’ field of the color replacer but I just can’t get it right.
Anybody got any idea’s how I should set this up so I’m able to control when the color is replaced?
Thanks so much! Cheers!