How to break script execution when component adds to gameObject

I have scene witch has 5 cameras and 1 audio listener.
4 camera of 5 marked do not destroy on load.
When I load another scene one of object with camera magically receives additional audio listener so after scene loaded I have 2 audio listeners and sound do not played!!!

I want to debug why audio listenr magically adds to my gameObject!

Some Body HELP

Not sure why additional components are being added, but this should do the trick.

Do you have code that adds the unexpected components in Start() or Awake() that you may have forgotten about?

EDIT: This code will only work if you put it into a script and attach it to each camera

void CheckListeners()
    AudioListener[] temp = gameObject.GetComponents(AudioListener);
    if (temp.Length > 1)
         for (int i = 1; i <= temp.Length; i++)
