How to build the iOS player on a remote computer?

I was trying to build the iOS version of my game on my local PC just to find out that it can only be built on a Mac, I do have a Mac, but it is on a remote location (500 miles away), I already completed the developer program enrollment, transferred the Unity project to the Mac and built the iOS project, so I’m ready to build the app, however xCode tells me I need a provisioning file, if I click on “fix issue” then it tells me “Connect a device to your Mac to add it to your team”… I have an iPad here but since the Mac is on a remote location I cannot connect it.

What I want is; to build the iOS app on the remote Mac, transfer the app file to my local PC and then to my iPad in order to test it, and finally if everything works fine upload it to the App Store.

How can I do that?

I’m using TeamView for the remote connection.

use unity cloud build, or apple acquihired testflight ( dont know how it is called now, its part of dev portal I believe )
you can add device manually in developer portal