How to calculate mouse and game pad input together?

So I’m making a game with a third-person camera. I want the game to work with both keyboard & mouse, and controllers. When using the new input manager for mouse and joystick input, I noticed that when using the joystick, it returns with values between 0 and 1, but a mouse would return values of something like 100. This means that while the camera works fine for a mouse, it means that it moves really slow when using a controller. Does anyone know how I can calculate the input from mouse and joystick to have them return the same or similar values?

Try making two different values in the input manager, one for mouse input and one for joystick input. You can then multiply these two values with different sensitivity values and add them together.

Vector2 lookAmount = mouseValue * mouseSensitivity + joystickValue * joystickSensitivity

Another solution to this problem would be to make one sensitivity value that the player can change in-game. So players who play with a joystick can adjust their sensitivity.