How to calculate the RAM usage of downloaded images on iOS?

I’m working on an app where I download images and show them to the user.
I download 10 JPG-images and load them into RawImage. The width and height of the images are not more than 2048 pixels. For example:

Now if I build the app on iOS and look on the RAM usage in Xcode it always increases by around 300 MB. So the 10 images take 300 MB RAM space.

Can someone explain how each image take around 30 MB RAM?
I do not use MipMaps. If every image has TextureFormat.RGBA32 this would mean 32 Bit per Pixel? My calculation for a 2048x2048 image would be:
2048x2048x32Bit = 16.7 MB

Also if I import all 10 images in Unity and disable Compression, Unity shows only around 100 MB in the import settings for all images together. How is it possible the RAM usage is much higher?

Here is some code how I load the images:

byte[] fileData = File.ReadAllBytes(imagePath);      
tex = new Texture2D(2, 2);      
tex.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;                  
if( ImageConversion.LoadImage(tex, fileData) ){
    myRawImage.texture = tex;  

Well, as always I’m stupid.
With ImageConversion.LoadImage the third parameter for markNonReadable defaults to false. And Unity stores an additional copy of the texture’s pixel data in CPU-addressable memory if it is marked as readable.