How to call a method once inside fixed update

Hey guys,
I am trying to set a units pathing position to another unit if they are within a certain distance to each other. The problem is that my distance detection is in fixedUpdate method, and if I want to change the path he is on I have to do it here too. When I do this, it repeatedly adds the new waypoint for the unit to travel, and eats up my memory like crazy. I am wanting to know if there is a way to call my pathing waypoint just once, or maybe even like once every few seconds. Thanks guys,

public void Start () {

	CreateBehavior (); //determines whether the unit goes to a tower or the base
	FindCloseUnits (); //finds all the player controlled units on the map and adds them to a list

	seeker = GetComponent<Seeker>();
	controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>();

	//behavior code conditions
	GameObject towerObject = GameObject.Find("Cylinder");
	Tower towerCaptureObject = towerObject.GetComponent<Tower>();

	seeker.StartPath (transform.position, targetPosition, OnPathComplete); //makes the path the unit follows


public void LocalAvoidance(){ //do the distance of specific vectors like x,z to determine direction unit is pushed back

	for (int i=0; i<UnitsList.Count; i++) { //this iterates through my list of unit objects
			float distance = Vector3.Distance (transform.position, UnitsList*.transform.position);*
  •   		//this calculates the distance from one unit to another*
  •   		if (distance <= 5) { //if the distance is less than 1.5 push the unit away*

_ targetPosition = UnitsList*.transform.position;_
seeker.StartPath (transform.position, targetPosition, OnPathComplete); //makes the path the unit follows
//this is where it buggs out and eats all my memory. I need the seeker.startpath function to be called only once with the new target position unless the other unit changes positon, then it will get his position…_

* }*

If you want to call that method once then use bool i.e.

bool isTemp=false;

//call you fucntion

i think this wat u want. If want to call it in every 1 sec then you can use WaitForSeconds