I have 2 game objects. Fist - Barrel,Second - Player. After destroying barrel i need to start play Sound attached to Player.
Script on Barrel(BarrelSmasher.js):
function OnMouseDown()
Destroy( this.gameObject );
Script on Player(HitSound.js):
var HitSound : AudioClip[];
function HitSoundStart()
var volume = Mathf.Clamp01(Time.time);
HitSound.PlayOneShot(HitSound[Random.Range(0, HitSound.Length)], volume);
You can make your Player a Singleton object (I’m assuming you only need one instance of the player). And then call a public method on Player when the OnDestroy() function gets called from BarrelSmasher. Here is the code.
function Start ()
function OnMouseDown()
Destroy( this.gameObject );
// This function is called when the MonoBehaviour will be destroyed.
function OnDestroy ()
print("Script was destroyed");
// Changed AudioClip to AudioSouce
// Accept only one reference not an array to make things simple.
var HitSound : AudioSource;
// This funtion is called from some one else, who has access to this script.
public function HitSoundStart()
HitSound.volume = 1f;
private var m_HitSound : HitSound;
// This is where the singleton instance gets assigned from.
function Awake () {
m_Instance = this;
function Start () {
// Keep a reference from HitSound script
m_HitSound = GetComponent(typeof(HitSound)) as HitSound;
// Public funtion to trigger the sound playing funtionality.
public function PlayHitSound()
// Create a Singleton object
// Refer for further info : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Singleton_pattern
private static var m_Instance : Player = null;
public static function GetInstance() : Player
if(m_Instance == null)
Debug.LogError("Player script is not assiged to a GameObject.");
return m_Instance;