How to Cancle yield WaitForSeconds when collect object

How to Cancle yield WaitForSeconds when collect object

“Player” collect “Object” i need to transform but Object is not transform but wait function time_bonus () to be tranform

I want “Player” collect Object , Object transform.position at once Do not yield WaitForSeconds

please help me. i need to transform at once !


function Start () {
yield WaitForSeconds( 2 );
transform.position.x = 0.8994522;
transform.position.y = 0.930599;
transform.position.z = 1.439522;	


function Update () {

time_bonus ();


function OnCollisionEnter (collision:Collision)

if(collision.gameObject.tag =="player")

transform.position.x = -10.55767;
transform.position.y = 0.930599;
transform.position.z = 1.439522;
yield WaitForSeconds( 20 );
transform.position.x = 0.8994522;
transform.position.y = 0.930599;
transform.position.z = 1.439522;


function time_bonus ()
if (transform.position.x >= 0.8)

yield WaitForSeconds( 3 );
transform.position.x = -10.55767;
transform.position.y = 0.930599;
transform.position.z = 1.439522;
yield WaitForSeconds( 3 );
transform.position.x = 0.8994522;
transform.position.y = 0.930599;
transform.position.z = 1.439522;


Code it differently. If you must use Yield do something like this: Unity - Scripting API: Coroutine