Hi there, I am making this post to provide a clearer and simplified example for Camera.Render(). I looked around for examples of how to display one frame the camera has rendered, but all responses I found were convoluted, and the API for this subject is unnecessarily complicated.
RenderTexture CaptureCameraFrameTexture(Camera camera)
// The camera needs to be disabled to use Render().
camera.enabled = false;
// There needs to be a RenderTexture object to pass to the camera, the construction shouldn't matter as the camera reassigns it, it just can't be null.
RenderTexture capturedFrameTexture = new RenderTexture(Screen.width, Screen.height, depth: 32);
// We giving the camera our capturedFrameTexture so it can be modified via Render().
camera.targetTexture = PhotoFinishTexture;
// We call Render() which renders this frame to the texture we passed to it.
// NOTE: Render does not display anything to the screen, it is simply modifying the target texture.
// Remove our texture from the targetTexture to prevent any overriding.
// This allows us to re-enable the camera while maintaining the captured frame on our texture (If so disired).
camera.targetTexture = null;
return capturedFrameTexture;
Modify or use the above code to simply get the Capture Frame data as a texture for us to use as we please. Now there are different suggestions online on how to get this to display on your screen, but I find the easiest way to go about this is to use Unity’s Gui.
void OnGUI()
// You might want to declare rect once off as a property or in start instead.
Rect textureRect = new Rect(x: 0, y: 0, Screen.width, Screen.height);
// Use GUI.DrawTexture to apply the capture Frame texture to the screen
GUI.DrawTexture(textureRect , PhotoFinishTexture);
This can be used on a camera that is enabled on awake. The camera just needs to be disabled before you use the Render() feature, and then afterward you can re-enable the camera. The captured frame texture will not be overwritten if you remove it from the camera.targetTexture.