How to cast/convert a ControllerColliderHit into a Prefab

Hi guys.

I have the next code:

	void OnControllerColliderHit (ControllerColliderHit hit) {

		if (hit.transform.tag == "Coin") {
			Coin coinDestroyed = (Coin)hit.gameObject;
			coinDestroyed.CoinCatched ();
			Destroy (hit.gameObject);
			GameManager.Instance.CoinCollected ();

I am trying to cast the “Coin” Object that has been hit in order to call one of its methods (CoinCatched). But I have not found the way to cast the object. Any help will be great.

Assume “Coin” is a script, use hit.gameObject.GetComponent<Coin>(); instead.

After researching a lot I found the best solution for my request: I used OnTriggerEnter inside the Script Component of my Object “Coin”, like this:

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) {
	if(other.transform.tag == "Player") {
		Destroy (gameObject);
		GameManager.Instance.CoinCollected ();

Last step, I set “Is Trigger” onto the Sphere Collider Component of the Coin object. This gave a better control of every object independently. Perfect.