How to catch NullReferrenceExceptions in void Update

I am currently working on a camera to follow a Game Object with a tag “Player”. I was trying to make the camera auto-track the player once they’re destroyed/gone on the scene however I am getting a NullReferrenceException error and it’s kinda annoying showing on my console and I believe it would cause problems on the game I’ve been working on.

Here’s how I tried to approach the problem:

void Update()
    if (playerObject == null) //if no object that has "Player" tag found
        Debug.Log("Camera Status: Finding player");

            tracker(); //a function that contains the line where it finds the "Player" tag.
        catch (NullReferenceException ex)
            Debug.Log(ex); // Just a code trying if it works

I also recently tried to transfer that on the LateUpdate but still remains the same. How do I handle this error in Unity?

Catching a null reference exception is never a solution. A NullReferenceExceptions is a breaking condition from which the current method can’t continue. You should find the cause and remove it. Some platforms don’t even support catching exceptions.

Like the others have mentioned the code you posted does not show the problematic part, so it’s doesn’t belong into the question. Your question should focus on the problem and not on a possible solution.