How to change a GUI Texture color?

I got a 2d Texture and I want to change It’s color, I tried with “GUI.color =” “GUI.contentColor =” but It didn’t change anything. How can I do this?

There’s the code I’m using:

public class PlayerGUI : MonoBehaviour {

	Texture2D _crosshair;

	void OnGUI()
		float x = (Screen.width - _crosshair.width) / 2;
		float y = (Screen.height - _crosshair.height) / 2;
		GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(x, y, _crosshair.width, _crosshair.height), _crosshair);

Short of modifying the texture itself, I know of no way to change the texture color with GUI.DrawTexture(). I’m assuming you want to change the crosshair color when you are on/off target or some such? The typical way I see this solved when using GUI.Drawtexture() or using a GUITexture is to provide a second texture with a different color. Then the code changes the whole texture rather than just the color.