How to change crater floor from convex to concave?

Hi ive deformed a sphere to make a crater, however the bottom of the crater is not bowl shaped but rather convex and i dont know hot to fix it. here is my code for making it :slight_smile:

    public void sphereDeformer(Vector3[] verts, Vector3 impactCenter, float impactRadius, float deformationStrength)

        var sqrRadius = impactRadius * impactRadius;

        for (int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++)
            var v = verts[i];
            var diff = v - impactCenter;
            var sqrDist = Vector3.Dot(diff, diff);

            if (sqrDist <= sqrRadius)
                // Use the surface normal to deform the vertex
                v += deformationStrength * -normals[i];

            verts[i] = v;

        // Initialize the deformed mesh with the same number of vertices and triangles as the original mesh
        deformedMesh.vertices = verts;
        deformedMesh.triangles = originalMesh.triangles; 

        // Assign the deformed mesh to the MeshFilter component
        GetComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = deformedMesh;

A sphere surface is by definition convex.

If you want to re-wind the triangles as facing the opposite way then it could be concave.

Wherever you add (a,b,c) as triangle indices, instead add (a,c,b)

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