How to change FalloutDeath.js to javascript #pragma strict

I keep getting this error and I know is because of #pragma strict.
Can anybody help with fixing the script. Thank you!

Assets/_Scripts/Player/FalloutDeath.js(7,56): BCE0019: ‘FalloutDeath’ is not a member of ‘UnityEngine.Component’.

function OnTriggerEnter (other : Collider)
// Player fall out!
if (other.GetComponent (ThirdPersonStatus))
other.GetComponent (ThirdPersonStatus).FalloutDeath(); //error line
// Kill all rigidibodies flying through this area
// (Props that fell off)
else if (other.attachedRigidbody)
// Also kill all character controller passing through
// (enemies)
else if (other.GetType() == typeof(CharacterController))

// Auto setup the pickup
function Reset ()
if (collider == null)
collider.isTrigger = true;

@script AddComponentMenu(“Third Person Props/Fallout Death”)

(other.GetComponent (ThirdPersonStatus) as ThirdPersonStatus).FalloutDeath();


Thank you Eric! That did the trick! I’m learning new things everyday!

If I get another #pragma strict error for the Iphone, from the other things, that I want to accomplish from the Unity Samples, l will post it here …

Thank you again :slight_smile:


Hi Eric:

I can see my spaceship crashing in the floor and then respawning again and again. But is not running on the Iphone and it has giving me the following error;

Assets/_Scripts/Player/FalloutDeath.js(7,79): BCE0019: ‘FalloutDeath’ is not a member of ‘ThirdPersonStatus’.

function OnTriggerEnter (other : Collider)
// Player fall out!
if (other.GetComponent (ThirdPersonStatus))
(other.GetComponent (ThirdPersonStatus) as ThirdPersonStatus).FalloutDeath();
//other.GetComponent (ThirdPersonStatus).FalloutDeath();
// Kill all rigidibodies flying through this area
// (Props that fell off)
else if (other.attachedRigidbody)
// Also kill all character controller passing through
// (enemies)
else if (other.GetType() == typeof(CharacterController))

// Auto setup the pickup
function Reset ()
if (collider == null)
collider.isTrigger = true;

@script AddComponentMenu(“Third Person Props/Fallout Death”)


You’re sure FalloutDeath is a member of ThirdPersonStatus script? Another method is:

var script : ThirdPersonStatus = other.GetComponent (ThirdPersonStatus);


Not sure, but this is my ThirdPersonStatus, which I attached to my spaceship.

// ThirdPersonStatus: Handles the player’s state machine.

// Keeps track of inventory, health, lives, etc.

var health : int = 6;
var maxHealth : int = 6;
var lives = 4;

// sound effects.
//var struckSound: AudioClip;
//var deathSound: AudioClip;

private var levelStateMachine : LevelStatus; // link to script that handles the level-complete sequence.

private var remainingItems : int; // total number to pick up on this level. Grabbed from LevelStatus.

respawnPosition = Respawn.currentRespawn.transform.position;
Camera.main.transform.position = respawnPosition - (transform.forward * 4) + Vector3.up;
transform.position = respawnPosition + Vector3.up;

If that’s the entire script, there is no FalloutDeath() function it in, hence the error message. BTW, code is easier to read if you use code tags.



Thank you for the help. Once, I get it to run on the Iphone, I will post the code snippet here.




I added the function and it works like a charm …

Thank you, this is exciting!


// ThirdPersonStatus: Handles the player's state machine.

// Keeps track of inventory, health, lives, etc.

var health : int = 6;
var maxHealth : int = 6;
var lives = 4;

// sound effects.
//var struckSound: AudioClip;
//var deathSound: AudioClip;

private var levelStateMachine : LevelStatus;		// link to script that handles the level-complete sequence.

private var remainingItems : int;	// total number to pick up on this level. Grabbed from LevelStatus.

function FalloutDeath (){

	respawnPosition = Respawn.currentRespawn.transform.position;
	Camera.main.transform.position = respawnPosition - (transform.forward * 4) + Vector3.up;		
		transform.position = respawnPosition + Vector3.up;
