How to Change Font?

Ok, so in my game, I have a lobby, where people can chat. My only problem is that, how do I change the font of the words? I know where the chat script and everything is, I have plenty of knowledge. Can you just help me out on how to change the fonts in the lobby?

P.S- I know where the chat script and everything is, so just go ahead and tell me how to change the fonts.

Fonts are like any other asset of your project and must be imported/placed into the project folder.

If your on Windows, you just need to copy the .ttf out of the System/Font folder. If you’re on a Mac you need to export from Font Book.

Once you have your font imported, you can create a GUISkin with your new font assigned as the font for that Skin.

Ok, here is the screenie.

The ARIALN_small font is the old font. I just have to change that to my new font right?

Yup, just change that.

But that’s what I did. When I test it out in-game, the font is still the same. I tried everything, but the font will still stay the same, even though I changed the fonts.

And you’re specifying in the script to use that GUIstyle?

What do you mean?

public GUIStyle chatStyle;

GUI.Label( new Rect(0,0,100,20), "Hello.", chatStyle );

This will create a label with the style properties of chatStyle.