How to change material that is being scrolled for Material.SetTextureOffset


I’m using this to try and move the texture on my clothing for a vrchat character but it always only moves the skin. I wanted to know if there is a way that I can set the script to move another material. Right now it says “(instance)” next to the body material.


Your material would most likely need to be attached to a renderer. You can change the material like so:

    //Reference to the renderer
    Renderer thisRenderer;

    //Material to change the current render material to
    public Material MaterialToChangeTo;

    //Y offset of the material 
    public float yOffset = .25f;

    //X offset of the material
    public float xOffset = .25f;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        //Get the renderer of our object
        thisRenderer = GetComponent<Renderer>();

        //Change the current material to the material we want
        thisRenderer.material = MaterialToChangeTo;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //Do that cool scroll effect on our material
        thisRenderer.material.mainTextureOffset = new Vector2(thisRenderer.material.mainTextureOffset.x + xOffset * Time.deltaTime, thisRenderer.material.mainTextureOffset.y + yOffset * Time.deltaTime);

I’m trying to make the material on a character move in vrchat