How to change Noise via Script

I’m trying to change the noise via script based on an older thread in this forum, but the asset is never loaded.
I can unload (set to null), but not load.

Here’s what I’m trying:

public void EnableShake()
        Cinemachine.NoiseSettings mynoisedef = Resources.Load("Assets/Resources/VcamNoise/Handheld_tele_mild.asset") as Cinemachine.NoiseSettings;


        vcam.GetCinemachineComponent<Cinemachine.CinemachineBasicMultiChannelPerlin>().m_NoiseProfile = mynoisedef;

        vcam.GetCinemachineComponent<Cinemachine.CinemachineBasicMultiChannelPerlin>().m_AmplitudeGain = 0.45f;

        vcam.GetCinemachineComponent<Cinemachine.CinemachineBasicMultiChannelPerlin>().m_FrequencyGain = 0.37f;

Any suggestions to fix the path to load the template?
I copied all the default to this folder (Assets/Resources/VcamNoise/).

Try this path: Resources.Load("VcamNoise/Handheld_tele_mild").

It didn’t work either.
I’m using 2019.4.0f1
