How to change NPOT default setting

hi everyone

So when I import a texture which size is happend to be power of 2, such as 1024 * 1024, the import texture inspector show the “None power of 2” disable(gray).

  1. I guess unity do this to the power of 2 texture, because we have no need to set “None power of 2” to any type, right?
  2. But still sometime, even so it show disable, but still have value, maybe “to nearest” or “none”. I want to ask how to change the default value, when the selection is disable.Or it a random value set by unity, and we could do nothing?

  1. Sound correct.
  2. never seen this, sounds like a bug.

If you like to change what the default texture importer settings are, you have to set it via a editor script.
Here you can find a Unity script example:

Hi,I used editor script to change the texture importer setting.But result is what like the picture.

I also consider to use AssetPostprocessor. But in my project, we need to change the texture both in when first import them and in project developping. So I think AssetPostprocessor not suit when the texture have been imported.

And what about 2) happend:
I import some texture, and use NGUI to make altas, so all the texture in the altas will be change to “to nearest” and not editable. But when we use svn to checkout the project in another pc, it maybe(yes, maybe,because some times it’s right) be “NONE” and also not editable, and then NGUI altas’s UV will be some mistake.Now, we need change the texture setting to “Texture” or “GUI” and change to “Advance” again, the setting will change to “To Nearest”, and uv will also be normal.

Is there any possible about the version control make this happen? Because, we once change the version control from asset server to SVN, at the first time, we forget to make the meta files include in the control