How to change pace by pressing different buttons once?

Hello. I have been looking around for hours, but I can’t find what I am looking for, so now I seek help.

I want to be able to change pace on my character by using the keybindings “1, 2, 3 and 4”, and only have to press the buttons once to change pace(with other words I don’t want to have to hold the button down until I want a new pace, just one touch).

  • Stop: 1
  • Walk: 2
  • Trot: 3
  • Sprint: 4

^ that is what I had in mind.

  • I want to control where the character is heading with the arrow keys, but control the pace with 1, 2, 3 and 4.

Every tip is appreciated: tutorials, examples, etc… :slight_smile:

Based on what you wrote i’d guess your looking for something like this:

    int speed = 1;

// Update is called once per frame
void Update () 
		speed = 1;

		speed = 2;

	if(Input.GetKeyDown("w")) //sorry dont remember the arrow key bindings 

	//Alternativly you may want 2 butons one to increase speed as long as the button is held down
	//and one to decrease speed as long as it is held down
		//Increases speed by 1 every second.
		speed += Time.deltaTime;
		speed -= Time.deltaTime;
