How to change scenes when camera enters a collider. (answerer will be rewarded)

I put a collider on the camera and I want to change a scene when a camera enters a collider. I have been trying to figure this out for a while and I want it C# please because it is only script that I know. Please keep it as simple as possible. The person who answer will be rewarded.

Hi, OK, there is only one easy way, you need to load the new level (scene), but this is important, must be hidden, that is, all the new objects or group of objects have to be disabled, with this you can toggle the visibility of it, until you load a new level.

I recommend to group all your objects from each level, this make it more easy to toggle instead one by one.

It’ll say “out of date” or some BS if you’re using the newer 5x unity, but it still works as of 5.4.1f so itll work for now… Basically in C# you would:

void OnTriggerEnter (Collider entity){

          if(entity.tag == "Player")
    		         Application.LoadLevel ("Scene Name");

Like I said, it’ll say us scene manager blah blah, but this works too