How to change the background from a color to an image on a almost ready 2d game

I’m fairly new to Unity and i’m building a game based on a template i purchased from the asset store. The current background is a solid color and i want to change it for an image. I know how to change the color it self, but i just can’t find how to change it to an image. So instead of having a solid color for a background i have a picture of my choice. Thank you for your time and help!

Thank you for your help!

for a 2d game you can simply just create a 2d image in hierarchy and spread its edges to the corners…


or with camera selected, in the inspector change the solid color option to “skybox” and go into your lighting window/tab and add the desired skybox


you can make your own custom skybox or you can use the default unity skybox as shown above or you download a skybox from the asset store