how to change this Script only move in x position?

hy master…

I use “lean touch” assets but I can’t change the script so that player movements can only be moved in the x position

“Lean Translate”

using UnityEngine;

namespace Lean.Touch
    // This script allows you to translate the current GameObject relative to the camera
    public class LeanTranslate : MonoBehaviour
        [Tooltip("Ignore fingers with StartedOverGui?")]
        public bool IgnoreStartedOverGui = true;

        [Tooltip("Ignore fingers with IsOverGui?")]
        public bool IgnoreIsOverGui;

        [Tooltip("Ignore fingers if the finger count doesn't match? (0 = any)")]
        public int RequiredFingerCount;

        [Tooltip("Does translation require an object to be selected?")]
        public LeanSelectable RequiredSelectable;

        [Tooltip("The camera the translation will be calculated using (None = MainCamera)")]
        public Camera Camera;

        protected virtual void Reset()

        protected virtual void Start()
            if (RequiredSelectable == null)
                RequiredSelectable = GetComponent<LeanSelectable>();

        protected virtual void Update()
            // Get the fingers we want to use
            var fingers = LeanSelectable.GetFingers(IgnoreStartedOverGui, IgnoreIsOverGui, RequiredFingerCount, RequiredSelectable);

            // Calculate the screenDelta value based on these fingers
            var screenDelta = LeanGesture.GetScreenDelta(fingers);

            if (screenDelta !=
                // Perform the translation
                if (transform is RectTransform)

        protected virtual void TranslateUI(Vector2 screenDelta)
            // Screen position of the transform
            var screenPoint = RectTransformUtility.WorldToScreenPoint(Camera, transform.position);

            // Add the deltaPosition
            screenPoint += screenDelta;

            // Convert back to world space
            var worldPoint = default(Vector3);

            if (RectTransformUtility.ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle(transform.parent as RectTransform, screenPoint, Camera, out worldPoint) == true)
                transform.position = worldPoint;

        protected virtual void Translate(Vector2 screenDelta)
            // Make sure the camera exists
            var camera = LeanTouch.GetCamera(Camera, gameObject);

            if (camera != null)
                // Screen position of the transform
                var screenPoint = camera.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position);

                // Add the deltaPosition
                screenPoint += (Vector3)screenDelta;

                // Convert back to world space
                transform.position = camera.ScreenToWorldPoint(screenPoint);
                Debug.LogError("Failed to find camera. Either tag your cameras MainCamera, or set one in this component.", this);

"Lean Touch"

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.EventSystems;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using UnityEditor;

namespace Lean.Touch
    public class LeanTouch_Editor : Editor
        private static List<LeanFinger> allFingers = new List<LeanFinger>();

        private static GUIStyle fadingLabel;

        [MenuItem("GameObject/Lean/Touch", false, 1)]
        public static void CreateTouch()
            var gameObject = new GameObject(typeof(LeanTouch).Name);

            Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(gameObject, "Create Touch");


            Selection.activeGameObject = gameObject;

        // Draw the whole inspector
        public override void OnInspectorGUI()
            if (LeanTouch.Instances.Count > 1)
                EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("There is more than one active and enabled LeanTouch...", MessageType.Warning);


            var touch = (LeanTouch)target;







        private void DrawSettings(LeanTouch touch)


            if (touch.RecordFingers == true)



            if (touch.SimulateMultiFingers == true)

        private void DrawFingers(LeanTouch touch)
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Fingers", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

            allFingers.Sort((a, b) => a.Index.CompareTo(b.Index));

            for (var i = 0; i < allFingers.Count; i++)
                var finger   = allFingers[I];
                var progress = touch.TapThreshold > 0.0f ? finger.Age / touch.TapThreshold : 0.0f;
                var style    = GetFadingLabel(finger.Set, progress);

                if (style.normal.textColor.a > 0.0f)
                    var screenPosition = finger.ScreenPosition;

                    EditorGUILayout.LabelField("#" + finger.Index + " x " + finger.TapCount + " (" + Mathf.FloorToInt(screenPosition.x) + ", " + Mathf.FloorToInt(screenPosition.y) + ") - " + finger.Age.ToString("0.0"), style);

        private void DrawDefault(string name)


            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck() == true)

        private static GUIStyle GetFadingLabel(bool active, float progress)
            if (fadingLabel == null)
                fadingLabel = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label);

            var a = EditorStyles.label.normal.textColor;
            var b = a; b.a = active == true ? 0.5f : 0.0f;

            fadingLabel.normal.textColor = Color.Lerp(a, b, progress);

            return fadingLabel;
namespace Lean.Touch
    // If you add this component to your scene, then it will convert all mouse and touch data into easy to use data
    // You can access this data via Lean.Touch.LeanTouch.Instance.Fingers, or hook into the Lean.Touch.LeanTouch.On___ events.
    // NOTE: To prevent lag you may want to edit your ScriptExecutionOrder to force this to update before your scripts
    public partial class LeanTouch : MonoBehaviour
        // This contains all the active and enabled LeanTouch instances
        public static List<LeanTouch> Instances = new List<LeanTouch>();

        // This list contains all currently active fingers (including simulated ones)
        public static List<LeanFinger> Fingers = new List<LeanFinger>(10);

        // This list contains all currently inactive fingers (this allows for pooling and tapping)
        public static List<LeanFinger> InactiveFingers = new List<LeanFinger>(10);

        // This gets fired when a finger begins touching the screen (LeanFinger = The current finger)
        public static System.Action<LeanFinger> OnFingerDown;

        // This gets fired every frame a finger is touching the screen (LeanFinger = The current finger)
        public static System.Action<LeanFinger> OnFingerSet;

        // This gets fired when a finger stops touching the screen (LeanFinger = The current finger)
        public static System.Action<LeanFinger> OnFingerUp;

        // This gets fired when a finger taps the screen (this is when a finger begins and stops touching the screen within the 'TapThreshold' time) (LeanFinger = The current finger)
        public static System.Action<LeanFinger> OnFingerTap;

        // This gets fired when a finger swipes the screen (this is when a finger begins and stops touching the screen within the 'TapThreshold' time, and also moves more than the 'SwipeThreshold' distance) (LeanFinger = The current finger)
        public static System.Action<LeanFinger> OnFingerSwipe;

        // This gets fired every frame at least one finger is touching the screen (List = Fingers)
        public static System.Action<List<LeanFinger>> OnGesture;

        [Tooltip("This allows you to set how many seconds are required between a finger down/up for a tap to be registered")]
        public float TapThreshold = DefaultTapThreshold;

        public const float DefaultTapThreshold = 0.2f;

        public static float CurrentTapThreshold
                return Instances.Count > 0 ? Instances[0].TapThreshold : DefaultTapThreshold;

        [Tooltip("This allows you to set how many pixels of movement (relative to the ReferenceDpi) are required within the TapThreshold for a swipe to be triggered")]
        public float SwipeThreshold = DefaultSwipeThreshold;

        public const float DefaultSwipeThreshold = 100.0f;

        public static float CurrentSwipeThreshold
                return Instances.Count > 0 ? Instances[0].SwipeThreshold : DefaultSwipeThreshold;

        [Tooltip("This allows you to set the default DPI you want the input scaling to be based on")]
        public int ReferenceDpi = DefaultReferenceDpi;

        public const int DefaultReferenceDpi = 200;

        public static int CurrentReferenceDpi
                return Instances.Count > 0 ? Instances[0].ReferenceDpi : DefaultReferenceDpi;

        [Tooltip("This allows you to set which layers your GUI is on, so it can be ignored by each finger")]
        public LayerMask GuiLayers = Physics.DefaultRaycastLayers;

        public static LayerMask CurrentGuiLayers
                return Instances.Count > 0 ? Instances[0].GuiLayers : (LayerMask)Physics.DefaultRaycastLayers;

        [Tooltip("This allows you to enable recording of finger movements")]
        public bool RecordFingers = true;

        [Tooltip("This allows you to set the amount of pixels a finger must move for another snapshot to be stored")]
        public float RecordThreshold = 5.0f;

        [Tooltip("This allows you to set the maximum amount of seconds that can be recorded, 0 = unlimited")]
        public float RecordLimit = 10.0f;

        [Tooltip("This allows you to simulate multi touch inputs on devices that don't support them (e.g. desktop)")]
        public bool SimulateMultiFingers = true;

        [Tooltip("This allows you to set which key is required to simulate multi key twisting")]
        public KeyCode PinchTwistKey = KeyCode.LeftControl;

        [Tooltip("This allows you to set which key is required to simulate multi key dragging")]
        public KeyCode MultiDragKey = KeyCode.LeftAlt;

        [Tooltip("This allows you to set which texture will be used to show the simulated fingers")]
        public Texture2D FingerTexture;

        // This stores the highest mouse button index
        private static int highestMouseButton = 7;

        // Used to find if the GUI is in use
        private static List<RaycastResult> tempRaycastResults = new List<RaycastResult>(10);

        // Used to return non GUI fingers
        private static List<LeanFinger> filteredFingers = new List<LeanFinger>(10);

        // Used by RaycastGui
        private static PointerEventData tempPointerEventData;

        // Used by RaycastGui
        private static EventSystem tempEventSystem;

        // Returns the main instance
        public static LeanTouch Instance
                return Instances.Count > 0 ? Instances[0] : null;

        // If you multiply this value with any other pixel delta (e.g. ScreenDelta), then it will become device resolution independant
        public static float ScalingFactor
                // Get the current screen DPI
                var dpi = Screen.dpi;

                // If it's 0 or less, it's invalid, so return the default scale of 1.0
                if (dpi <= 0)
                    return 1.0f;

                // DPI seems valid, so scale it against the reference DPI
                return CurrentReferenceDpi / dpi;

        // Returns true if any mouse button is pressed
        public static bool AnyMouseButtonSet
                for (var i = 0; i < highestMouseButton; i++)
                    if (Input.GetMouseButton(i) == true)
                        return true;

                return false;

        // This will return true if the mouse or any finger is currently using the GUI
        public static bool GuiInUse
                // Legacy GUI in use?
                if (GUIUtility.hotControl > 0)
                    return true;

                // New GUI in use?
                for (var i = Fingers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    if (Fingers[I].StartedOverGui == true)
                        return true;

                return false;

        // If currentCamera is null, this will return the camera attached to gameObject, or return Camera.main
        public static Camera GetCamera(Camera currentCamera, GameObject gameObject = null)
            if (currentCamera == null)
                if (gameObject != null)
                    currentCamera = gameObject.GetComponent<Camera>();

                if (currentCamera == null)
                    currentCamera = Camera.main;

            return currentCamera;

        // Return the framerate independant damping factor (-1 = instant)
        public static float GetDampenFactor(float dampening, float deltaTime)
            if (dampening < 0.0f)
                return 1.0f;

            if (Application.isPlaying == false)
                return 1.0f;

            return 1.0f - Mathf.Exp(-dampening * deltaTime);

        // This will return true if the 'screenPosition' is over any GUI elements
        public static bool PointOverGui(Vector2 screenPosition)
            return RaycastGui(screenPosition).Count > 0;

        // This will return all the RaycastResults under the 'screenPosition' using the current layerMask
        // The first result (0) should be the top most UI element
        public static List<RaycastResult> RaycastGui(Vector2 screenPosition)
            return RaycastGui(screenPosition, CurrentGuiLayers);

        // This will return all the RaycastResults under the 'screenPosition' using the specified layerMask
        // The first result (0) should be the top most UI element
        public static List<RaycastResult> RaycastGui(Vector2 screenPosition, LayerMask layerMask)

            var currentEventSystem = EventSystem.current;

            if (currentEventSystem != null)
                // Create point event data for this event system?
                if (currentEventSystem != tempEventSystem)
                    tempEventSystem = currentEventSystem;

                    if (tempPointerEventData == null)
                        tempPointerEventData = new PointerEventData(tempEventSystem);

                // Raycast event system at the specified point
                tempPointerEventData.position = screenPosition;

                currentEventSystem.RaycastAll(tempPointerEventData, tempRaycastResults);

                // Loop through all results and remove any that don't match the layer mask
                if (tempRaycastResults.Count > 0)
                    for (var i = tempRaycastResults.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        var raycastResult = tempRaycastResults[I];
                        var raycastLayer  = 1 << raycastResult.gameObject.layer;

                        if ((raycastLayer & layerMask) == 0)
                Debug.LogError("Failed to RaycastGui because your scene doesn't have an event system! To add one, go to: GameObject/UI/EventSystem");

            return tempRaycastResults;

        // If ignoreGuiFingers is set, Fingers will be filtered to remove any with StartedOverGui
        // If requiredFingerCount is greather than 0, this method will return null if the finger count doesn't match
        // If requiredSelectable is set, and its SelectingFinger isn't null, it will return just that finger
        public static List<LeanFinger> GetFingers(bool ignoreIfStartedOverGui, bool ignoreIfOverGui, int requiredFingerCount = 0)

            for (var i = 0; i < Fingers.Count; i++)
                var finger = Fingers[I];

                // Ignore?
                if (ignoreIfStartedOverGui == true && finger.StartedOverGui == true)

                if (ignoreIfOverGui == true && finger.IsOverGui == true)

                // Add

            if (requiredFingerCount > 0)
                if (filteredFingers.Count != requiredFingerCount)

                    return filteredFingers;

            return filteredFingers;

        protected virtual void Awake()
            // Set the finger texture?
            if (FingerTexture == null)
                var guids = AssetDatabase.FindAssets("FingerVisualization t:texture2d");

                if (guids.Length > 0)
                    var path = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(guids[0]);

                    FingerTexture = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath(path) as Texture2D;

        protected virtual void OnEnable()

        protected virtual void OnDisable()

        protected virtual void Update()
            // Only run the update methods if this is the first instance (i.e. if your scene has more than one LeanTouch component, only use the first)
            if (Instances[0] == this)
                // Prepare old finger data for new information

                // Poll current touch + mouse data and convert it to fingers

                // Process any no longer used fingers

                // Update events based on new finger data

        protected virtual void OnGUI()
            // Show simulated multi fingers?
            if (FingerTexture != null && Input.touchCount == 0 && Fingers.Count > 1)
                for (var i = Fingers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    var finger = Fingers[I];

                    // Don't show fingers that just went up, because real touches will be up the frame they release
                    if (finger.Up == false)
                        var screenPosition = finger.ScreenPosition;
                        var screenRect     = new Rect(0, 0, FingerTexture.width, FingerTexture.height);

               = new Vector2(screenPosition.x, Screen.height - screenPosition.y);

                        GUI.DrawTexture(screenRect, FingerTexture);

        // Update all Fingers and InactiveFingers so they're ready for the new frame
        private void BeginFingers()
            // Age inactive fingers
            for (var i = InactiveFingers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                InactiveFingers[I].Age += Time.unscaledDeltaTime;

            // Reset finger data
            for (var i = Fingers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var finger = Fingers[I];

                // Was this set to up last time? If so, it's now inactive
                if (finger.Up == true)
                    // Make finger inactive
                    Fingers.RemoveAt(i); InactiveFingers.Add(finger);

                    // Reset age so we can time how long it's been inactive
                    finger.Age = 0.0f;

                    // Pool old snapshots
                    finger.LastSet            = finger.Set;
                    finger.LastPressure       = finger.Pressure;
                    finger.LastScreenPosition = finger.ScreenPosition;

                    finger.Set   = false;
                    finger.Tap   = false;
                    finger.Swipe = false;

        // Update all Fingers based on the new finger data
        private void EndFingers()
            for (var i = Fingers.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var finger = Fingers[I];

                // Up?
                if (finger.Up == true)
                    // Tap or Swipe?
                    if (finger.Age <= TapThreshold)
                        if (finger.SwipeScreenDelta.magnitude * ScalingFactor < SwipeThreshold)
                            finger.Tap       = true;
                            finger.TapCount += 1;
                            finger.TapCount = 0;
                            finger.Swipe    = true;
                        finger.TapCount = 0;
                // Down?
                else if (finger.Down == false)
                    // Age it
                    finger.Age += Time.unscaledDeltaTime;

        // Read new hardware finger data
        private void PollFingers()
            // Update real fingers
            if (Input.touchCount > 0)
                for (var i = 0; i < Input.touchCount; i++)
                    var touch = Input.GetTouch(i);

                    // Only poll fingers that are active?
                    if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began || touch.phase == TouchPhase.Stationary || touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved)
                        var pressure = 1.0f;
                        pressure = touch.pressure;
                        AddFinger(touch.fingerId, touch.position, pressure);
            // If there are no real touches, simulate some from the mouse?
            else if (AnyMouseButtonSet == true)
                var screen        = new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height);
                var mousePosition = (Vector2)Input.mousePosition;

                // Is the mouse within the screen?
                if (screen.Contains(mousePosition) == true)
                    AddFinger(0, mousePosition, 1.0f);

                    // Simulate pinch & twist?
                    if (SimulateMultiFingers == true)
                        //var finger0 = FindFinger(0);

                        if (Input.GetKey(PinchTwistKey) == true)
                            var center = new Vector2(Screen.width * 0.5f, Screen.height * 0.5f);

                            AddFinger(1, center - (mousePosition - center), 1.0f);
                            //AddFinger(1, finger0.StartScreenPosition - finger0.SwipeScreenDelta, 1.0f);
                        // Simulate multi drag?
                        else if (Input.GetKey(MultiDragKey) == true)
                            AddFinger(1, mousePosition, 1.0f);

        private void UpdateEvents()
            var fingerCount = Fingers.Count;

            if (fingerCount > 0)
                for (var i = 0; i < fingerCount; i++)
                    var finger = Fingers[I];
                    if (finger.Tap   == true && OnFingerTap   != null) OnFingerTap(finger);
                    if (finger.Swipe == true && OnFingerSwipe != null) OnFingerSwipe(finger);
                    if (finger.Down  == true && OnFingerDown  != null) OnFingerDown(finger);
                    if (finger.Set   == true && OnFingerSet   != null) OnFingerSet(finger);
                    if (finger.Up    == true && OnFingerUp    != null) OnFingerUp(finger);

                if (OnGesture != null)


        // Add a finger based on index, or return the existing one
        private void AddFinger(int index, Vector2 screenPosition, float pressure)
            var finger = FindFinger(index);

            // No finger found?
            if (finger == null)
                var inactiveIndex = FindInactiveFingerIndex(index);

                // Use inactive finger?
                if (inactiveIndex >= 0)
                    finger = InactiveFingers[inactiveIndex]; InactiveFingers.RemoveAt(inactiveIndex);

                    // Inactive for too long?
                    if (finger.Age > TapThreshold)
                        finger.TapCount = 0;

                    // Reset values
                    finger.Age     = 0.0f;
                    finger.Set     = false;
                    finger.LastSet = false;
                    finger.Tap     = false;
                    finger.Swipe   = false;
                // Create new finger?
                    finger = new LeanFinger();

                    finger.Index = index;

                finger.StartScreenPosition = screenPosition;
                finger.LastScreenPosition  = screenPosition;
                finger.LastPressure        = pressure;
                finger.StartedOverGui      = PointOverGui(screenPosition);


            finger.Set            = true;
            finger.ScreenPosition = screenPosition;
            finger.Pressure       = pressure;

            // Record?
            if (RecordFingers == true)
                // Too many snapshots?
                if (RecordLimit > 0.0f)
                    if (finger.SnapshotDuration > RecordLimit)
                        var removeCount = LeanSnapshot.GetLowerIndex(finger.Snapshots, finger.Age - RecordLimit);


                // Record snapshot?
                if (RecordThreshold > 0.0f)
                    if (finger.Snapshots.Count == 0 || finger.LastSnapshotScreenDelta.magnitude >= RecordThreshold)

        // Find the finger with the specified index, or return null
        private LeanFinger FindFinger(int index)
            for (var i = Fingers.Count - 1; i>= 0; i--)
                var finger = Fingers[I];

                if (finger.Index == index)
                    return finger;

            return null;

        // Find the index of the inactive finger with the specified index, or return -1
        private int FindInactiveFingerIndex(int index)
            for (var i = InactiveFingers.Count - 1; i>= 0; i--)
                if (InactiveFingers[I].Index == index)
                    return i;

            return -1;


Please read the post Using code tags properly .
Otherwise your code is very hard to read and there are less people who want to help.


@stefan_s_from_h temresen would you help me?