How to change tile animation speed in script

I am working on a puzzle project where I have a 32x32 tilemap of animated tiles. I am attempting to set up some criteria where certain tiles animate at a faster speed than others. The difficulty I have is in understanding and implementing the api documentation because the animation speed of TileBase is accessed through GetTileAnimationData (Unity - Scripting API: Tilemaps.TileBase.GetTileAnimationData). I can’t wrap my head around how to use a boolean to change a value and I’m not entirely confident on ref as well.
I was easily able to change the starting animation frame of my tiles so that they all start at a different sequence and I was hoping the animation speed would be similar but evidently not.
A workaround I can use for now is to create duplicate tiles with faster animation set in the editor and use those but ultimately I’d like to understand this api and properly implement it.
An example of how to use a tile reference to change only the speed would be appreciated.