How to check for an empty array

I have been working on a game for a while, but unity keeps giving me unnecessary error messages which don’t effect the function of my game a tall. I have found the problem.

It occurs on this line of code:

if (Movables*.Right.movableBlock.Length > 0)*

When the array Movables is empty and has nothing in any of it’s slots.
The error keeps occurring, yet the code works perfectly, so I just need a way to code around the error. Perhaps somehow check for an empty array instead of checking in slot 0 which has nothing in it (the likely cause). I don’t know how to do this, so a simple solution would be great.
The error states 'Argument is out of range'

It’s unclear what value you’re supplying for i, but if it’s an iterator, you should only be increasing it up the maximum length of Movables -1:

for(int i=0; i< Movables.Length; i++){
   if (Movables*.Right.movableBlock.Length > 0)*

… do whatever