I have a sequence of jobs that depend on each other but finish really quickly (like thousands of sequences every frame) and I want to schedule the next job in the sequence asap, ideally exactly when the first job completes. What are valid strategies in this case?
I have considered:
Schedule() with JobHandle dependsOn
I cannot use that since all Jobs depend on each other’s native collections (at least compiler keeps telling me that)
Schedule in Update, Complete in LateUpdate
I would need more “Update” points during a frame. I could check again in OnPreCull, OnPreRender, etc events, but that just seems wrong and introduces too much delay.
Use a Coroutine with WaitUntil()
Can’t do that. Coroutines only run once per frame, that introduces too much delay.
Use async/await with a timed await that lets me repeatedly check for job completion
I worry that this would add unnecessary overhead and it may check far too often or rarely depending on CPU speed.
Am I missing something obvious here, like a delegate or event that runs when a Job completes?
Here’s the job sequence I need to schedule, from top to bottom. The meshData and the vertexBuilder’s Quads array are used by multiple jobs.
JobHandle ISingleMeshBuilderInternal.ScheduleVertexBuilder() => _vertexBuilder.Schedule();
JobHandle ISingleMeshBuilderInternal.ScheduleMeshSetup(Mesh.MeshData meshData)
var meshInfo = _vertexBuilder.GetMeshInfo();
var setupJob = new SetupMeshJob(meshData, meshInfo, MeshBuilder.DefaultVertexAttributes, MeshBuilder.DefaultMeshUpdateFlags);
return setupJob.Schedule();
JobHandle ISingleMeshBuilderInternal.ScheduleAssignVertices(Mesh.MeshData meshData)
var quads = (_vertexBuilder as IOrientedQuadBuilder).Quads;
return ScheduleJob.AssignQuadVertices(meshData, quads);
JobHandle ISingleMeshBuilderInternal.ScheduleAssignIndices(Mesh.MeshData meshData, JobHandle vertexHandle)
var quadCount = (_vertexBuilder as IOrientedQuadBuilder).Quads.Length;
return ScheduleJob.AssignQuadIndices(meshData, quadCount, vertexHandle);