Hey! I have a game with a tilemap where some of the tiles has colliders attached to them. When I spawn my enemies, I dont want them to spawn at a position where there is a collider so I wrote this simple script:
private bool CellHasCollider(Vector3 cellWordPosition)
// Raycast at position
// If not null -> true
// Else -> false
var c = Physics2D.OverlapBox((Vector2) cellWordPosition, new Vector2(1, 1),
return c != null;
However, this does not work with my tiles that has a collider and enemies do still spawn inside of it:
Underlying collider:
What am I missing?
Well your code would work so you’ve got something else going wrong. If you want to know if a specific 2D world position is overlapping then use OverlapPoint.
To note though, you don’t add “colliders to tiles”. There’s only a single TilemapCollider2D and it creates physics shapes if the collider-type for that tile asks for one.
So you know, your call above is checking for a 1x1 box with zero rotation on ANY collider in the world, not a specific one such as your TilemapCollider2D. You’re also not filtering by layer-mask etc.
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btw, I can only presume that “cellWordPosition” means “cellWorldPosition”? It needs to be a postion in world-space, not tile-space i.e. a local tile position.
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Thank you, there were some mix-up of different tilemaps which made the collider not react! Thank you for confidence in that I at least was using the OverlapBox method right!
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