How to Check if any object is at an specific Vector3?

Hello, Unity-Amigos

I’ve got an question…
Is there a way to check if anything is at an specific Vector3?

Here’s an example how i would do the start.

Transform objectAtVector3; /*(Note: This is unassigned)*/

public Vector3 specificVector3;

if(/*anything is at specificVector3*/)
/*get the object which is at the Vector3 and set him as the Transform*/

Hopefully this is not to confusing.
Any help is appreciated

Assuming the objects have colliders, you can do it this way:

private Transform objectAtVector3; /*(Note: This is unassigned)*/
public Vector3 specificVector3;

Collider[] cols = Physics.OverlapSphere(specificVector3, 0.00001f);

if(cols.Length > 0)
    objectAtVector3 = cold[0].transform;