,how to check if nothing is touching an object

this is my code right now
: void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col)
if(!col.gameObject.name == “Plattform”)
SceneManager.LoadScene (sceneName:“level2”);
},I can’t figure out how to check if nothing is touching an object
and I can’t find out anywhere please help this is my code

: void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col)
if(!col.gameObject.name == “Plattform”)
SceneManager.LoadScene (sceneName:“level2”);

Did you get your answer?

OnCollisionstay(Collision coll)
youreTouchingMeOniChan = true;

youreTouchingMeOniChan = false;

if this weird named variable is equal to false then the loli is safe. Nothing is touching her.
with that you can keep track if something is touching her on your code at any given time. You can also do

OnCollisionstay(Collision coll)
if(coll == null){MyLogicHere}