how to check or identify the polygon faces

i want to check the faces on the polygon and recreate the object but with the faces as separate objects is it possible. more info, i want to take a mesh and make all the triangles or the polygons or the faces as separate game objects

[1106-new+fa.png|1106]![alt text][3]![alt text][4]

How about this:

Why not just make 6 Polygon plane surfaces of the same size and then reconstruct them into a box shape.
That way they will all be separate pieces of geometry.

What you can do in code is this:

  1. Get the mesh of the object you want to split into a variable
  2. Get the number of sub meshes
  3. Get the number of triangles in each sub mesh
  4. for each triangle in each sub mesh, create a new object with a copy of the triangle with the same position of the triangle

Unfortunately, without doing some really complex scripting (on top of doing the above), you will only be able to get triangles, rather than quads like you have above. I’m also not too sure how to get the same texture UVs so you can reassemble a textured object.

This probably hasn’t given you much of an answer! If all else fails, read the scripting reference or look for similar scripts other have done.