Hi, I’m making a crafting system with the new UI system. It consists of a list of buttons representing the items to be crafted, and i created a script that contains the logic for changing the database(for all the craftables).
public class CraftManager : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject mainPanel;
public Button[] buttons = new Button[17];
public Text infoText;
public Text remarkText;
public void CraftStuff()
Debug.Log("OnClick reference worked!");
if (gameObject == buttons[0])
Debug.Log("Button found, crafting stuff");
if (PlayerStats.Scrap >= 2)
PlayerStats.Scrap -= 2;
PlayerStats.Metal += 1;
remarkText.text = ("Not enough resources.");
if (gameObject.CompareTag("TimberButton"))
if (PlayerStats.Wood >= 2)
PlayerStats.Scrap -= 2;
PlayerStats.Metal += 1;
remarkText.text = ("Not enough resources.");
(This is the script I have so far)
The problem is this: I can not find a way to reference the correct part of the script when a certain button is pressed. (ie. When the button for ITEM 1 is pressed, the script should change the values of items like in the first IF statement of the script, for ITEM 2, it should do as in the second IF statement, and so on). I assigned the CraftStuff() method to execute when I click the button, (OnClick()), and it executes it(The first Debug string is displayed), but does not do anything else. The values of the items do not change, the second Debug string is not displayed(although the button is tagged properly). My problem is, that I cannot make out a way to differentiate between the buttons from script. I tried referring to them by tag, or making an array of buttons, but neither works.
If there is still not enough information, I will try to add more. I don’t get any errors, it just simply does not do anything.