How to cite a specific object in code c# / reloading a scene

I am a new young programmer that is working on a game, and i ve faced this issue since a day and i cant find a solution for it. So I came here seeking for help.

I made a script for damaging both the player and the enemy at the same time:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class Damageable : MonoBehaviour {

	public float maxHealth;
	private float health;
	public Image healthBar;
	void Start()
		health = maxHealth;

	void Update()
		if (health > maxHealth)
			health = maxHealth;
		if (health <= 0)

public void Damage ( int damageValue)
		health -= damageValue;
		healthBar.fillAmount = health / maxHealth;

It works properly, but i want the scene to reload on player death. i tried adding:
Application.LoadedLevel (Application.loadedLevel);
but now not only when the player dies the scene reloads, but also when the enemy is killed.
I want to find a way to specify that only only when the player dies the scene reloads. It will be great if any of u pro coders will help me. :smiley:

P.S. dont mind the damageValue thingies cuz they are in another script.

Add a bool field

public bool IsPlayer;

then in the editor find the damageable script on the player and set the IsPlayer field to true and check for it when u destroy the gameobject.

if (health <= 0)
      if (IsPlayer)