How to clamp transform.RotateAround using Javascript?

Hello, I ran into a problem while making camera script and am unsure on how to fix it myself. I am using transform.RotateAround to make the camera look up and down based on mouse movement but I don’t want the camera to be able to do a full circle. How would I go about clamping this rotation?

Rotation I want to clamp:

transform.RotateAround (Ship.localPosition, transform.right, -Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y") * Time.deltaTime * 200);

I did some research and found this:

Sot his would be the best code for you

//[SerializeField] show private variable in editor
	[SerializeField] private float maxRotX = 10; // max rotation angle
	[SerializeField] private float minRotX = -10; // min rotation angle

	[SerializeField] private Transform target; // target (ex: ship)

    private Vector3 initialVector = Vector3.forward;

	void Start () {
		initialVector = transform.position - target.position;
		initialVector.y = 0;
	void Update () {
		float rotateDegrees = 0f;
		float mouseYDelta = -Input.GetAxis("Mouse Y");
		float speed = Time.deltaTime * 200;

        if (mouseYDelta > 0) { // up
			rotateDegrees += speed;
        } else if (mouseYDelta < 0) { // down
			rotateDegrees -= speed;
        Vector3 currentVector = transform.position - target.position;
        currentVector.x = 0;
        float angleBetween = Vector3.Angle(initialVector, currentVector) * (Vector3.Cross(initialVector, currentVector).x > 0 ? 1 : -1); // calculating angle    
        float newAngle = Mathf.Clamp(angleBetween + rotateDegrees, minRotX, maxRotX); // clamping angle
        rotateDegrees = newAngle - angleBetween;
        transform.RotateAround(target.position, Vector3.right, rotateDegrees); // rotation

Hope this works out for you.