How to clone an explosion to show an continue smoking effects

Some how i need to clone the effect of continue explosion effect. Can someone teach me some way of doing it. Thx alot. Below is my script for explosion. some how i make some changers in the detonator in duration in smoke. It is not the effect that i wanted. so i need to clone the explosion.

var explosion : Transform;

var sound1 :AudioClip;

var audio1: AudioSource;

function OnCollisionEnter(Col : Collision){

    var aSources = GetComponents(AudioSource);

    audio1 = aSources[1];

    if( == "Terrain")


       if(occur == true)


          var explosion1 : Transform;

          explosion1 = Instantiate(explosion,transform.position,transform.rotation);




Do what Syclamoth says, make two emitters.

One is a firey explosion, and the other is an emitter with smoke particles slowly rising.

Instantiate both at the same time, the explosion will destroy itself, but you’ll have to make the smoke vanish after a set amount of time.