Well to get started, I just wanna know how to set stage boundaries for characters to move in. For example, like in Street Fighter, the stages are made as whole 3d objects but characters are restricted to a 2d “strip” of land to move around on. I hope that makes sense. I’m new to Unity and game development stuff altogether by the way.
You could add box colliders to the edges of your stage. Then add a RigidBody component and whatever colliders you choose to your fighters. Check out the Survival Shooter learning tutorial which uses this method - if you open the environment asset you’ll see they’ve add box colliders which they’ve named LevelExtents.
I would like to give a small description for what you need to do for this particular fighting game.
- Setup 3d environment. Set a boundary(Limit) for moving the character in left and right side.
- Add charecter controller/ Rigidbody for the player charecter (Hope the characters having animations for what you expect).
- Camera movement according to your player character.
- Add script to make player to fight and control (Input key management/Combo key management).
- Check whether the player came near to opponent character/AI and make AI Or Player to fight.
- Check hitting point and decide hitting points(scores) for player and AI.
- Add particle effects for hits.
Hope this little information helps