How to code AI moving object randomly?

There is a bird with wings (should I do animation in 3D tools and import to FBXImporter OR animate it in unity?)

The whole object ‘bird’ or a group of ‘birds’ fly randomly on x,y,z space. They have collision to each other.

And, when the app starts, the birds are away from the camera view. Then, they fly randomly and so able to see in FPC camera view.

I searched some threads about ‘move randomly’ here:

But, I do not know which one is suitable to the AI ‘bird’ case?

You’ll probably find UnitySteer useful. The library allows you to easily construct steering behaviours like birds that fly in a flock or basic wandering. I believe the example project contains an example demonstrating the latter.

it is what I want.

Since I use Mac and do not have VS2008 or DotNet, do I just download those cs files at ?

Because I downloaded the example project which has sln and csproj files, I am not sure I need VS2008 to compile and run the example project.

I drag the Scripts to my unity project and it can compile itself when open it.

I have few questions:

Q.1 I created a Cube boid empty Prefabs. In the Hierarchy view, it has 3 Boids folders, how to create them?

Q.2 Do I create a cube game object and drag it to Cube Boid Prefabs?

Q.3 Do I need to create Box Collider, Rigidbody, Sphere Collider and Boid Behaviour script for Cube Boid Prefabs?

Q.4 Do I create Proximity detector Prefabs? However, it does not has Transform and the cube icon still grey when I create it. What are the steps to create it properly?

Q.5 Do I drag to Cub boid Prefabs after creating a valid Proximity detector Prefabs?