How to communicate between scripts and gameobject use tag in unity

Hi Guyss…
iam newbie here and i have a question here, can i communucate 2 GameObject and Script by tag?

for example :

  • 1 Cube (Player)
  • 5 Cube (Enemys)

in Player Cube, i put Movement Script and for Enemys Cube, i put Movement Script too. But, when player cube detect collision with enemys cube, i want 5 enemys cube disable the Movement Script.

for disable movement script in enemys cube, i make one script and i call it Player_Collusion and i put this script in player cube, in this script i will controll all enemys Movement script.

Hope you guys will understand what i mean.
Iam sorry for Bad Grammar ^^



    private void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        if (collision.transform.tag == "Enemy")
            collision.transform.GetComponent<MovementScript>().enabled = false;