People aren’t going to read your code if it isn’t readable. See this thread if you need help:
But on the ObjectsPositions.Add issue, you define it as a public List of type myVector3. I have no idea what a myVector3 is, other than assuming it has some relation to a Vector3 based entirely on its name.
In your foreach loop you call GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag (“Cube1”), which returns a collection of GameObjects. You then try to stuff those GameObjects one by one into ObjectsPositions. GameObjects aren’t whatever a myVector3 is, so the compiler spits in your face. Without knowing what a myVector3 is, I have no idea how to convert a GameObject to one, other than maybe you intended to use the GameObject’s postion. But that is just based on Vector3 being in the name of whatever a myVector3 type is.