How to completely turn off skybox?


I’m making a scene with a white ball inside a closed box. But the top of the ball has a blue-ish tinted white color, yet the bottom of the ball has a brown-ish tinted white color. I’m guessing this is because of the skybox, since the “sky” is blue and the “ground” is brown. Is there a way to turn it off or something so that the color of the white ball is consistent?

Any help is appreciated! Thanks!! :slight_smile:

In the main menu, go to Window > Lighting > Scene

There you can change the ambient light.

It’s actually more likely your light source causing the coloration, make sure it’s a white light and not yellow in the settings. But, if you wanted to turn off skybox in the future, you can go into the settings for your camera and change the setting from skybox to a solid color.