How to connect close object navmesh surfaces

Problem is simple. I spawn walls. Every wall is (1,4,1) long. Lets say i spawnen 10 walls touching side by side eachother. Each wall has navmeshsurfaces on top and building right after spawn perfectly. Bu all are not connected. With navmesh link npc moving on the wall not so proper. They move like teleporting becouse of links. How can i accive all touching objects navmesh surfaces as 1 surfaces? Is a trick for this?
Thank you.


Bye! :smiley:

i find a solution. there is script “AgentLinkMover.cs” inside Example in component assets. this script needs a NavMeshAgent component. what does “AgentLinkMover.cs” is change agent behevour on the links. there are some options. one is “Normal speed”. if normal speed selected agent moves at normal agent speed on the links as surface. works very good.