I’ve managed to get oAuth login working with google on Unity Editor, where the login is successful and i can get email, name etc. I do have a successful accessToken as well.
But, when i try to follow the steps here:
I’m completely lost.
I’m unable to understand what to set where, if i pass in the accessToken i received earlier in the method SignInWithOpenIdConnectAsync(string idProviderName, string idToken)
I get the exception:
Unity.Services.Authentication.AuthenticationException: validation failed —> Unity.Services.Authentication.WebRequestException: {“detail”:“validation failed”,“details”:,“status”:401,“title”:“PERMISSION_DENIED”} at Unity.Services.Authentication.WebRequest.SendAsync[T] () [0x00025] in .\Library\PackageCache\com.unity.services.authentication@3.3.1\Runtime\Network\WebRequest.cs:45
I have no clue about where to even begin looking to resolve this, any help here is much appreciated.
I’m trying to test this on Unity editor first. I have all the creds and consent form, etc setup for the google login to work. It only fails to pass this to UGS for authenticating.
if any tutorials or any info at all that can help me understand in debugging/fixing this would be great. Thanks. I’m not sure if i provided all the info, do let me know if you need any specific info.