How to consume a php webservice in Unity ?


I’m actually maling a sample to test the web service consumption into Unity.
In my localhost I’ve created a little php webservice :
index.php :

	class Donne
	  function donne($i)
	    return $i;
	  function hello()
	    return "hello world";

	  function add($a, $b)
	  	$c = $a + $b;
	  	return $c;

	  $server = new SoapServer(null, array('uri' => ''));

	catch(Exception $e)
	  echo "Exception: " . $e;

And I created an other page to use it :

  $clientSOAP = new SoapClient( null,
    array (
      'uri' => '',
      'location' => '',
      'trace' => 1,
      'exceptions' => 0

  $ret = $clientSOAP->__call('hello', array());
  echo $ret;

  echo '


  if (isset($_GET['a']) && isset($_GET['b']))
  	$ret = $clientSOAP->__call('add', array('a'=>$_GET['a'], 'b'=>$_GET['b']));
  	echo $ret;
  	echo 'no';
catch(SoapFault $f)
  echo $f;

When I acces if from the following URL : (, I’ve got the correct answer : Hello World

But when I try to access it from the Unity execution :

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class WebService : MonoBehaviour {

	public GameObject text;
	public string url = "";

	private WWWForm wwwForm;
	private Text m_text;

	// Use this for initialization
	IEnumerator Start () {
		wwwForm = new WWWForm ();
		wwwForm.AddField ("a", 5);
		wwwForm.AddField ("b", 8);

		m_text = text.GetComponent<Text> ();
		WWW www = new WWW(url, wwwForm);
		yield return www;
		m_text.text = www.text;


I’ve got “Hello World
no”. I’ve read that all WWWForms are GET by default but the $_GET in php is not valid.

What did I miss ?

Thx for the help.

WWWForms is POST by default. Get requests have their parameters / data inside the URL. A GET request can have a body, but it’s ignored by the parser since it has no meaning for GET requests. See this.

So either add your parameters to the URL, just like you did in your browser test, or change the serverside code to accept POST requests and use the parsed body data instead.