How to control Screen Dimming on iOS and Android

Hi! I’m working on an app where I would like to turn the screen off and keep the app running. When I render the screen simple black the display of the phone still emits light due to the screen background light. My goal is either to turn the light down or off or find another way to disable the screen. The user should not be able to recognize the running app.

What would the best way to achive this? Some sample code would be nice :slight_smile:

  • profile picture = uncomfortable :hushed:


as in you want the app to keep running when the user locks the phone? or you want to lock the phone via script? or… ? :face_with_spiral_eyes:

No, I want to start the app and later to push a Button and then shut off the screen, but not lock the phone. The app should continue to run and the screen should just be black, as it would be when locked…