Hi there!! ^^ I’m trying to do a Touch to move game and thanks to the user JeevanjotSingh i figure out that i could Instantiate a Trigger Collider and set it as a “Destination” for the character, and then destroy it on contact (This last one … is a good idea to approach the issue? Any advice on this would be totally welcome) but i’m stuck at “controlling” the quantity of prefabs … i was thinking on using a For loop but it doesn’t seems to work. What should i do? Because i am just infinitely spawning colliders xP
well if i was you i would put a tag on the instantiated prefab then create a function that tracks the amount of tags in the scene like gameobject.findgameobjectswithtag then if your trying to limit the amount of prefabs make an if statement with the array you get from gameobject.findgameobjectswithtag.